Longhope Little Feet is a friendly, informal group of parents, childminders and grandparents of preschool children aged from birth upwards. Our main aim is to provide a fun, friendly, supportive environment for children and their carers to meet and make friendships. We also provide the following:- - Group activities where the children all sit together − great social skills!
- Opportunity for children to run around, use large motor skills and try out a variety of larger toys and equipment such as a slide, tent and tunnel, ride-on and push-along toys.
- Crafts – painting, sticking, colouring, cooking and more.
- Opportunity for messy play (with the advantage of not having to clear up the mess afterwards!) − playdough, water, shaving foam.
- Singing as a group
- Table top activities − puzzles, books, contruction.
- A safe, stimulating environment for toddlers to explore and learn.
- A clean, safe area for babies with baby gym and toys
Price We ask for a small contribution towards running costs. The first session for all children is FREE OF CHARGE. For the first child the cost involved is: - Under 12 months − £1.50
- Over 12 months − £2.00
For each additional child there is a cost of 50p.Opening TimesWe meet every Wednesday during term-time between 10.00am - 11.30 at the Latchen Rooms. Drinks & snacks for everyone are served at 10.30am. Parents/carers take it in turns to bring the snacks for the children so a wide variety is provided. We do ask that fruit is always available.