There has been an annual fête in the village for more years than anyone can
remember although the exact origins remain unclear. It is rumoured to have started
shortly after the end of the Second World War, held annually in the grounds of
Coglan House.
Club Days
Even earlier to the flower show is mention of other Club Days and Bazaars held in and
around the village,
the earliest of which is the mention of a Club Day at May Hill [1] in 1875. On
July 2nd. 1884 a holiday was granted to the children of Longhope C. of E. School on
account of it being the village Club Day. Successive holidays were also granted around
the same time in future years until on July 18th. 1895 a "Forester's fete [was] to be
held in the village". Exactly what the Forester's Fete was at this time is
Annual Flower Show
There is evidence that suggests an annual rose show was held in the grounds of
Coglan (sometimes written Coghlan) House from as early as 1900 [1]. An unknown newspaper article
from the early 1900s record one such flower show that was held at the Latchen Room [2]. Owing to
the fact that the Latchen Rooms were built in 1906, it could not have happened before then.
"For several years past the flower and vegetable shows held
in Longhope have been popular, but none have been more successful than that promoted by Mr.
W. H. Powell, which was held in the Latchen Room on Thursday afternoon. A large number of
people attended, the money taken at the door amounting to £5 19s. 6d. ... The side
shows included a museum by Mr. W. H. Powell, which contained a most interesting collection of
fossils, insects, African curios, 28 different kinds of wood grown in Longhope, and an inlaid
table and tray, the work of Mr. F. C. Field. Mr. F. C. Field had fitted up a rustic garden
with an ingeniously arranged miniture waterfall, around which was artistically placed flower
stands filled with pot flowers and ferns, shrubs, etc. The music was provided by the Mitcheldean
Prize Brass Band, under the conductorship of Mr. G. Powell." [2]
Fête Day
It is highly likely that the first ever incarnation of the Longhope fête
took the form of the Peace Celebrations in 1919 to mark the end of the First World War. An
unknown newspaper article, possibly from the Gloucester Journal describes the event.
"The arrangements for Longhope were of an extensive character.
The programme included a carnival procession, headed by the beautiful banner of
'Court Hope,' A.O.F. [Ancient Order of Foresters], and the local fife and drum band;
a tea at Latchen-room free to every parishioner, a good programme of sports, the whole
to finish at night with a grand display of fireworks and a bonfire upon May Hill.
Unfortunately the grey, cloudy morning brought forth, just before the time fixed for the
procession to start from the top of Zion Hill, a steady downpour of rain, but cleared
sufficiently for the procession to start and parade the village without much
inconvenience. The various characters represented in the carnival were both
historical and grotesque, plenty of fun being provided en route. The procession over and
the assembly at Latchen-room of a large number of parishioners for tea, rain again came
on and although it much damped the spirits of all concerned owing to the need for the
rain in the neighbourhood, it came as a palliative to the disappointment felt by
everyone. The weather became so bad that the committee decided to postpone the sports
until Saturday, and after all had partaken of tea, which was very well provided and ably
presided over by a committee of ladies the prizes won by various competitors in the
carnival were given out by Mr. W. H. Powell, chairman of the Committee. The judges of
the procession were: Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. Hume Spry and Mr. William Constance, whose
awards gave every satisfaction. At the time appointed for the fireworks and lighting
the bonfire upon May Hill the rain came down in a deluge, but notwithstanding
this hundreds of people faced the elements, and at 10 p.m. Mr. Grafton, junr.,
commenced the finest display of fireworks ever seen at Longhope, which were the gift of
Mr. Grafton, senr., of Clifford Manor. At eleven o'clock Mr. John Constance lighted the
bonfire, which was a huge heap of brushwood collected from a wood recently cleared on
the Newent side of the hill. The committee was careful that nothing of any use should
be used. The fire burned brilliantly and many who were soaked to the skin stood round
to dry themselves."
The Manor House was the starting point for the fête in 2009.
Clearly they had to cope with the rain back then, unlike today. This confirms that the
2008 fête was the 83rd, excepting the six years throughout the duration of the
Second World War when there was none. There is mention of a 1920 fête but the
first written evidence of an annual fête comes from an unknown newspaper article
written in 1921 describing a fete and sale of work held at the Manor House:
"By the kind permission of Captain and Mrs. Pringle, the
picturesque grounds of the Manor House were the venue of the annual fete and sale
of work. There was a large attendance, and excellent business was done at the various
stalls. The proceedings were opened by Miss M. Hill, late of Coglan House, Longhope.
The side attractions included nine-pins, barrow and stake, and bowls (prize a live
pig), and there was keen competition in each case. Other at-the prizes, a live pip in each case [sic]. Other attractions were hoop-la,
cocoa-nut shies, and guessing competitions
of weight of cake and pig, all of which were well patronised. At dusk the whole
grounds quickly changed to a fairy-land, about 1,000 fairy lamps and Chinese lanterns
having been artistically placed on the sides of the walks and the banks of the lakes.
This work had been carried out under the personal supervision of the Rev. M. Maltby,
and great skill had been shown in the placing of the lamps. The Wye Valley String
Band provided the music, and dancing was freely indulged in on a splendid turf.
The proceeds will be devoted to Home and Foreign Missions and various charities. The
Rev. M. Maltby and his willing working Committee are to be congratulated upon the
able manner in which the proceedings were carried out." [2]
In 1947, Rev. Reginald Taylor, the vicar of Longhope from 1946 to
1951, writes about the fête being held in Blacksmith's Meadow, with
an entrance fee of 1s. [3] and such activities such as guess the cow's weight and a
coconut shy. Blacksmith's meadow is the same field that the Recreation Grounds now occupy.
Traditionally, the fête was believed to have always been on the first Saturday
of July but this may be no more than a couple of decades old. Indeed, Rev. Taylor
writes of the 1947 fête taking place on 26th of July and even later fêtes
occuring in the start of August [3].