

Flood Waters Recede

Longhope was drying out less than 24 hours after previous photographs of the flood were taken. So we went back for another look! The rest of Gloucestershire, however, was still in a very bad way, with Tewkesbury still suffering badly, and the Mythe water pumping station was out of action due to it being flooded, which meant that Longhope would shortly be without any drinking water. Don't panic everyone!! The River Severn in the middle of Gloucester was due to flood The Quay and Docks area, and the authorities were saying that the conditions were worse than the bad flooding of 1947....and that takes some beating!

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Hope Brook almost back to normal. The damaged road surface in The Latchen. These ducks look all washed up!.
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The leftover road signs... ..a "Police Road Closed" sign. The brook near The Orchards.

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