The Red Cross Healthy Homes Project will provide information and future support with: keeping warm at home; energy efficiency and affording your energy bills; preventing fires and falls; maintaining independence and promoting well-being.
Contact the project if you would like a free home visit plus a free winter warmth pack or if you would like us to give a general talk about the Healthy Homes Project to your group. Email H& Tel: 0117 9415041
Carers visiting Gloucester Royal Hospital can apply to the the Ward Clerk for a badge which entitles them to free parking when visiting the Hospital, hot drinks and help with meals. This applies to those receiving long term care. For further information contact Pat Nixon, FVAF, St Annals, Cinderford. Tel: 01594 822073
Yet again salesmen are putting intense pressure on older people to buy 'free' (i.e. very expensive) burglar security systems - even if they already have a perfectly adequate systems installed by a reputable firm. The salesmen home in on their worries and then prey on their mind. If you're contacted, put the phone down and don’t let them over your doorstep. If you are pressurised into signing an agreement, remember that you can revoke it within the cooling-off period. For further information contact Trading Standards Authority.
When paths are wet many older people fall just a few yards from their back door. Unless someone comes to call, they may lay there for several hours with serious consequences. A Linkline alarm pendant or bracelet can summon help straight away. For further information telephone 01594 812505 or e-mail
Instead of scrapping your old car, give it to charity. Visit or phone 0207 736 4242. You will be asked a few simple questions, including which charity you want the proceeds to go to. A scrap merchant will contact you to arrange a date and time to remove your car. If it doesn't sell in auction, it will be crushed and sold as scrap metal. You will receive a receipt from your chosen charity for the amount raised.
There is a group in Newent at Shepherd House and also one at Bream which meets on the first Wednesday in each month, 2 – 3.30pm at The West Dean Community Centre.
Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion for Health and Social care in Gloucestershire. Its new functions include signposting to help people make informed choices and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy. It will continue to gather the views and experiences of the public on health and social care. Contact Healthwatch on 0800 652 5193 or 01452 504989 Email: Website:
Crossroads Care will be holding a coffee morning plus Bring & Buy sale at St Annals House, Belle Vue Road, Cinderford 10 – noon, Friday 28th March. Free admission. Information and advice available from Carers Gloucestershire, CAB & Crossroads.